
Advertise with SWEA Dallas

SWEA Dallas social media has followers from all over the country – and around the world – as many members move to Dallas through work and seek out our social media for guidance on shopping and service. This is a perfect place to show off your business.

We also offer advertisements in the program that is handed out at SWEA Dallas yearly “Yule Bazaar and Lucia Celebration” event, with around 400 visitors at Lovers Lane Church in Dallas.

Our prices are great, support
SWEA Dallas
and grow your business!


Package and prices
Package 1 (Bronze Sponsor): $150 per year

Your business logotype will be included in the SWEA Dallas Website (dallas.swea.org) under the homepage sponsors area and will be linked to your business website.

Package 2: (Silver Sponsor): $200 per year

  • Package 1
  • Your business card sized logo will be in the program for SWEA Dallas yearly Yule Bazaar and Lucia Celebration

Package 3 (Gold Sponsor): $400 per year

  • Package 2
  • All SWEA Dallas social media: Facebook, Facebook Page, and Instagram
  • In SWEA Dallas Nytt, the digital newsletter that is distributed to the members approximately six times per year
  • In all digital communications sent to our members during the year

Till flyer om Annonsering – detaljer
Advertising flyer with details 

Yule Bazaar Program only

Advertisement in the Yule Bazaar program:

  • $50 a size space of a business card
  • $100 for half page
  • $150 for a full page
SCAN ME to advertise with SWEA Dallas!